Standings & Contest Matchups
Available for view following each evening's medal ceremonies; hidden from view while contests are ongoing each day.
Contest Teams
As determined by The Draw, going top to bottom in chronological order.
Participant Info
There are 10 Rookies this year - click the link above to see how they're linked in general to the rest of the dudes.
Schedule & Locations
Hyperlinks within so you can get going on maps #fancy
Rules & Formats
Ask questions in advance, por favor. Same document you received in the mail...
Photo Upload
If you snap some cool pics/videos, upload them here. Also, tag us on instagram @averageathletic
All-Time Results
Everyone's still looking up at Landen Watts
Comment Box
General feedback or complaints? Have at it.
Governing Documents
Rules and Bylaws, Code of Conduct, Participation Waiver, etc.

MO25 Awards
- Top 3
- Bottom 3
- Average Joe (middle ranking)
- Most-Improved Player
- Rookie of the Year
- Best Dressed Golf (Individual or Team)
- Best Dressed Cornhole (Individual or Team)
- Gold Medals for team contest winners
- Gold Medals for division winners (pickleball, spikeball, cornhole).